Re: Newbie try to get started

Did you restart sawfish after modifying .sawfishrc?
I think the command is: sawfish-client -f restart
You can also restart it from root menu.

Alex <newsgroup neuf fr> wrote:
Hi all, it is a very newbie question. I just setup Xorg and sawfish. When I middle click I have got the menu. Now I want to customize the menu, so I wrote .sawfishrc and put it my home directory. But nothing changed, could anyone help?
here is my .sawfishrc:
(require 'sawmill-defaults)
(require 'sawfish.wm.menus)
(defvar root-menu
`(("Workspaces" . workspace-menu)
("Windows" . window-menu)
("Programs" . apps-menu)
("Customize" . custom-menu)
("About..." (customize 'about))
("Restart" restart)
("Quit" quit)))
(defvar apps-menu
(system "$HOME/bin/ &"))
(system "netscape &"))
("The GIMP"
(system "gimp &"))
(system "xmms &"))
(system "gnapster &"))
("Netscape 3"
(system "netscape3 &"))
(system "cd /opt/mozilla ; ./mozilla &"))
(system "vmware &"))
(system "$HOME/bin/bbsol &"))))

thanks for helping,

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