Problems with sawfish detecting unexplained bindings

Hello there,
yesterday, after a little acccident, I lost a little part of my sawfish
conf concerning bindings ...
As I knew them, I rewrote them quickly and finally spent some time
geeking and improving them a bit to make use the some Hyper keys.

However, I also decided to remove useless things from .sawfish/custom
and make my .sawfish/rc better, cleaner, etc.

After setting all bindings, I realized that the builtin M-Left wasn't working
anymore in galeon (it is used for «previous page»). As I have no M-Left
binding in .sawfish/rc (and obviously not in .sawfish/custom), I started
wondering and gave a look at sawfish UI : (~176kb)   

Sawfish-ui detects W-Left/W-Right bindings that aren't even in my conf,
as you can see ... I might be doing something wrong there, but «the
closer, the longer you look, the less you see ...»

mmc on sawfish freenode told me to try the «xev -id» on galeon, I did and
obviously M-Left is as a WM keymap and not a builtin galeon shorcut (I use
galeon, but it happens to be true with firefox&co) :

M-Left :
FocusIn event, serial 22, synthetic NO, window 0x2800005,
    mode NotifyGrab, detail NotifyInferior

KeymapNotify event, serial 22, synthetic NO, window 0x0,
    keys:  1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   16  0   0   0   
           0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   

FocusOut event, serial 22, synthetic NO, window 0x2800005,
    mode NotifyUngrab, detail NotifyInferior 

For those who don't like screenshot, here is my global-keymap section :
(bind-keys global-keymap
           "M-C-Down"   '(move-viewport 0 1)        ; move viewport
           "M-C-Up"     '(move-viewport 0 -1)
           "M-C-Left"   '(move-viewport -1 0)
           "M-C-Right"  '(move-viewport 1 0)
           "M-Tab"      'cycle-windows
           "M-S-Tab"    'cycle-class
           "M-F1"       '(system "aterm +sb -bg black -fg white -fade 60 -fn -*-    terminus-medium-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* &")
           "H-a"        '(system "aterm +sb -bg black -fg white -fade 60 -fn -*-    terminus-medium-*-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* &")
           "M-XF86_Switch_VT_1" '(system "aterm +sb -bg black -fg white -fade       60 -fn -*-terminus-medium-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-* &")
           "H-A"        '(system "aterm +sb -bg black -fg white -fade 60 -fn -*-    terminus-medium-*-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-*-* &")
           "M-F2"       '(system "xterm -fn -*-fixed-medium-*-*-*-                  14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* &")
           "H-x"        '(system "xterm -fn -*-fixed-medium-*-*-*-                  14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* &")
           "M-XF86_Switch_VT_2" 'run-shell-command
           "H-X"        'run-shell-command
           "M-F3"       '(system "galeon -n &")
           "H-r"        '(system "rox-snapshot  &")
           "M-F5"       '(system "rox-snapshot  &")
           "M-F12"      'call-command-with-output-to-screen


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