Re: Mac OS X cut and paste

On Jul 30, 2004, at 7:56 AM, Perry Smith wrote:
My question is about cut and paste from an X11 window to a native Mac application. If I use Apple's quartz-wm, the process of cutting from X11 and pasting to a native application is to select the text using normal X11 mouse techniques, then pick Cut from the edit menu of Apple's X11 application. At that point I can paste the text into any native Mac window using Comnand-V. To go the other direction is even simpler. I simply cut (or copy) using Command-C and then paste into the X11 with the normal technique (^Y for emacs, button 2 for xterm, etc)

If I kill quartz-wm and start up sawfish, I can no longer to this. I also tried mwm running from an AIX platform and it had the same problem.

you can run "quartz-wm --only-proxy", in this mode it won't manage any windows, but it will copy the pasteboard contents between X11 and native applications,


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