Using popup-menu

Hello list,

I tried today to customize sawfish. The first thing I tried out was to create an popup menu. So I copied an example from the web:

-- .sawfischrc --
(require 'sawmill-defaults)

(defvar leo-menu '(("_Minimize all" iconify-all)
                   ("Ma_xmimize all" uniconify-all)
                         ("_Shade all" shade-all)
                   ("_Unshade all" unshade-all)
                         ("_Cascade all" cascade-windows)
                           ) )

(defun popup-leo-menu ()
  "Display Leos menu."
  (popup-menu leo-menu))

(bind-keys root-window-keymap
    "Button1-Click1" 'popup-leo-menu)

-- end(e) --

Unfortunately the only result I get is a message "Unbound variable popup-menu" on the console. So I am asking myself what ist wrong with the example. Can someone give me a hint?


Oliver Fischer

Dummheit is ooch 'ne Jabe Jottes,
aber man muß se nich mißbrauchen.

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