GNOME Keysign 0.9 released

GNOME Keysign is a tool to make signing OpenPGP keys as easy as
This is the v0.9 release which makes use of Glade based widgets and
fixes a few important bugs.

You can get the app from:


 * Widgets are now loaded from Glade files instead of
   created from Python code
 * The key downloader returns bytes rather than strings
 * Keyserver: Now using application/pgp-keys as MIME type

 * Barcode scanner: Removed GStreamer<1.6 compatibility
 * Barcode scanner: Moved to gtksink for reducing code
   and increasing compatibility with running in a VM
 * Barcode scanner: Moved to autovideosrc
 * Barcode scanner: Stopped logging every single message
 * ScalingImage: Respecting the height when calculating the scale
 * KeysPage: Renamed signals to match Gtk convention more closely
 * Make it find the relevant key faster by ordering the list
   of servers before attempting to download


Web site:

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