[sabayon] profile handling


I have a couple of questions regarding sabayon:

1) I'm not quite sure how profiles are actually distributed. I know
there is a username.zip file available in /etc/desktop-profiles/ after
creating a profile with sabayon and that
/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/sabayon-xinitrc.sh checks for such a file when
a user logins, but what happens after such a file was found? Is sabayon
coping the content of the zip file to a users home directory? What is it
all about regarding the users.xml file in /etc/desktop-profiles? I know
I maps a user to a profile but when looking into sabayon-xinitrc.sh I
found this:
# Apply the Sabayon profile for the current user (if any)
some python-code

that let me think that an existing userprofile is necessary to map it to
a user with the same username.

2) What happens when I set a specific entry mandatory and a user simple
deletes its .gconf.xml.mandatory folder?

3) When I actually load a sabayon profile to edit the settings within a
Xnest session, I does not only see the settings from the profile, eg
menu entries and such things, instead I see all the available menu
entries from my workstation. I would expect to only see the menu entires
available in the loaded profile.

Would appreciate any comments on this.


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