Re: [sabayon] Problem with Edgy Eft, LTSP and Sabayon

On 11/9/06, André Geske <andre geske web de> wrote:

Hi there!
I thought I might find someone in this mailinglist, who can give me some
hints on how to use Sabayon without scrambling my LTSP config.
I'm running an Edubuntu LTSP server with 15 clients and up to 500 users
who log in every week. Therefore I'd really LOVE to use a tool like
But my first efforts under Dapper failed, so I uninstalled it and hoped
for newer versions. In Edgy, I installeed it, created a default user
profile and began changing some desktop settings / removing some
application links when suddenly all of my ltsp users couldn't log in
Canceling Sabayon didn't help, aptitude remove sabayon didn't help, so I
did aptitude purge sabayon and then the logins worked again.
As I don't know any alternative to sabayon (except manually creating a
dummy user and copying all settings files to skel) I'm really willing to
cope with some bugs here and there, but when my complete environment seems
to stall after installation of sabayon, I get scared!

Sabayon definitely isn't mature software, but I have seen it work on
occasion. :)

So does anyone have any ideas on what went wrong and how to prevent it
next time?

Do you see anything interesting in $HOME/xsession-errors when one of
your users tries to log in? Can you at least save a profile in sabayon
and then reload it from the administration UI?

Also it's really hard to find any valuable information, howtos or
tutorials for sabayon, at least for the new version included in Edgy.

Aside from what's linked on the Sabayon website, I don't think there's
much out there. Maybe you could write something up?
William Lachance
wrlach gmail com

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