[sabayon] status (bookmarks)

Some code is now in place to handle bookmarks. It currently is stand
alone, the Changelog snipet at the end of this mail explains.

The integration in the ToDo list is fairly straight forward and should
not be hard. However I need some input to the following questions so I
can finish this off:

Question: What is a bookmark?

Duh? I know that seems like a silly question, but from a compare/merge
point of view its not so obvious.

Is a bookmark the "basename" in the folder tree?

Is a bookmark the full folder pathname?

Is a bookmark the URL irrespective of its name or path in the bookmark

If two bookmarks share a name or path or URL but are otherwise different
are they the same or different bookmarks? Must the full folder path and
the URL match to be considered the same?

I assume for folders (as opposed to bookmarks) that if a folder is added
then we merge the new folder and all its bookmarks into the top level of
the folder tree unless a folder by the same name exists in which case we
merge the bookmark contents of the source folder into the destination
folder. In this case for folders to match, do we consider the full
folder path or just the folder basename?

If we compare by URL do we include only the protocol,server, and path
components of the URL? Or do we include query parameters? How about

All of the above questions can basically be summerized by asking:
"During a merge, what must match for two bookmarks to be considered the

	* lib/mozilla_bookmarks.py: Add new python file for mozilla
	bookmarks. Not complete yet, it can parse DOCTYPE
	NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1 format file, build a data structure of
	folder trees, bookmarks, and all attributes. Folders and bookmarks
	can be searched for. The tree can be traversed, all atts can be

	ToDo: Generate the difference between two book mark files, this
	will use the same difference generator code currently in
	mozillasource. Merge one bookmark file into another. Integrate
	into monitor and apply. Filter attributes during apply that should
	not be merged (e.g. timestamps)

John Dennis <jdennis redhat com>

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