[sabayon] where are things installed and run from now?

This afternoon I went back to test some fixes I made to the firefox code
and as far as I can tell its not running the installed version of the
python code anymore. This was after updating from CVS. I did do an
autogen.sh, configure, make install (by the way some of the files that
derive from their .in file are not getting recreated, but I remade them
too, I've got to put the fix in for AC_CONFIG_FILES so we don't keep
getting burned by this).

What I did notice was that Mark moved python installation directory to


When I do a make install thats where they land. I used to
run /usr/sbin/sabayon. That script set the python path, which now that
the files are installed into site-packages I assume is no longer needed.
But guess what, /usr/sbin/sabayon is no longer installed,
but /etc/security/console.apps/sabayon is installed and its still points
to the no longer installed /usr/sbin/sabayon, hmmm.... but that remnant
still has the python path in it to the old files (commenting this out
didn't help :-(

Since /usr/bin/sabayon used to exec sabayon.py I went looking for that,
but it no longer exists. I did find /usr/libexec/sabayon-session
and /usr/libexect/sabayon-monitor, both of which still points the python
path off into /usr/share/sabayon, which is no longer installed! (plus
its not what we should be running directly).

I can see the changes to the module loading that were added, but
whatever kicks that process off seems to either be missing from my
environment -or- the fact that I have "cruft" from older installations
is confusing things.

So I'm confused. How are we supposed to run sabayon these days? Is
something misconfigured in my development directory?
John Dennis <jdennis redhat com>

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