Re: Unable to find/generate any rygel log file

On 4/29/2020 5:31 PM, Jens Georg wrote:
Thanks! That worked. Perhaps a comment should be added to the sample
rygel.conf and/or rygel manpage to mention this? The existing

It's already in the manpage of rygel.conf in the description of log-
Ah, I missed that. At least in the Ubuntu package, /etc/rygel.conf doesn't have that info, and it appears not to be in rygel.conf from github either. Could add a comment line in the rygel.conf as well?

lead the user to think -g/--log-level and the rygel.conf setting will
effective without having to also set an environmental variable.

I realize now that the RYGEL_LOGFILE environmental variable is
to be used in the start-stop-daemon context for redirecting
stdout/stderr, but perhaps this could be explained in rygel
documentation as well.
I don't even know where that would be coming from, definitely not

I believe I found it here, on the Gentoo Wiki


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