Re: DLNA Certification support by rygel

Hey Soho,

CableLabs certified a version of the Rygel server under DLNA CTT, MCVT, and LPTT but did not certify a renderer. As a Reference DMS, it is/was used by DLNA to certify endpoints.

Much of the CVP2-manditory behavior requires advanced capabilities on the part of the server - such as time-seek and play-speed support for nearly all content formats. We wrote a special MediaEngine and MediaServer to support these capabilities - which is paired with a content ingest tool that creates and/or ingests scaled-rate media content and indexes it for time-seek support. Currently, however, the content ingest process is manual. So it's not drag-and-drop server for user-supplied content like standard Rygel. But it does provide a file system layout that allows for advanced representations - such as multi-format content.

For a device with specialized content - where the DLNA profiles of the content and such is known - it's more easily adapted.

Jens did incorporate the generally-applicable changes (e.g. to librygel-server and the MediaEngine API) into the master branch of Rygel - many of which are necessary for DLNA CVP-2 compliance. And in the process of implementing a CVP-2 compliant server based on Rygel, the DLNA specifications were also improved as a result.

Some links:

HTH. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


On 12/18/15 1:52 AM, Diaz Soho wrote:
Hi Jens,

So, the renderer part does not verified by DLNA certification tool like CTT, or MCVT, right?
Do you have test rygel by CTT or MCVT?


2015-12-18 17:44 GMT+08:00 Jens Georg <mail jensge org>:

Rygel did not reveive a "DLNA verified software" certficate.

The Nokia N9, running an older version of Rygel as its DLNA server, was successfully certified.

The renderer part should at least have seen some Plugfests, lately with the CVP-2 effort by Cablelabs, but there is no device in that area that has been certified that I know of.

There might be, however, devices that I don't known of, but that others would have to tell you.

When I still had access to the verification software, we tried to run it on a regular base to make sure things don't break but that time has passed on (with a - admittedly very small - ray of light at the end of the tunnel somewhen during Q1/2016)

hi All,

does rygel get any dlna certification pass?
is there any data about dlna certification when users use rygel?


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craig pratt

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