Hey Soho,
CableLabs certified a version of the Rygel server under DLNA CTT, MCVT, and LPTT but did not certify a renderer. As a Reference DMS, it is/was used by DLNA to certify endpoints. Much of the CVP2-manditory behavior requires advanced capabilities on the part of the server - such as time-seek and play-speed support for nearly all content formats. We wrote a special MediaEngine and MediaServer to support these capabilities - which is paired with a content ingest tool that creates and/or ingests scaled-rate media content and indexes it for time-seek support. Currently, however, the content ingest process is manual. So it's not drag-and-drop server for user-supplied content like standard Rygel. But it does provide a file system layout that allows for advanced representations - such as multi-format content. For a device with specialized content - where the DLNA profiles of the content and such is known - it's more easily adapted. Jens did incorporate the generally-applicable changes (e.g. to librygel-server and the MediaEngine API) into the master branch of Rygel - many of which are necessary for DLNA CVP-2 compliance. And in the process of implementing a CVP-2 compliant server based on Rygel, the DLNA specifications were also improved as a result. Some links:
HTH. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. cp On 12/18/15 1:52 AM, Diaz Soho wrote: