Re: Is it possible to change the logo rygel server uses on dlna network?

On Fri, 2013-10-11 at 11:34 +0200, Jens Georg wrote:
On Fr, 2013-10-11 at 11:25 +0300, Mehmet Giritli wrote:
I was wondering if it is possible to change the logo used by the rygel
server. I'm talking about the icon you see on the devices for rygel
server. Is this possible?
Yes, by doing something similar to

So I need to inject my new logos under /data/icons/... and recompile,
right? But there are many icons there, which ones do I need to change? I
suspect it is the ones under "scalable" in svg format but there too,
there are two svgs: rygel and rygel-full. Which one is used where? Do I
need to change both?

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