Re: Rygel and DMP support

On 10/07/2013 11:24 AM, Jens Georg wrote:
On Mi, 2013-10-02 at 10:13 +0200, Milan Plzik wrote:
Good day,

    company I work for considers to use Rygel/gupnp/... as a UPnP stack
in one of its products.  After some basic analysis and testing, we found
out some limitations we would like to discuss:

     1) RygelMediaPlayer and playlist/multi-track support

     RygelMediaPlayer's interface does not provide API (nor any other
     public clas does) making playlist handling possible (e.g.
     next/previous commands, and also reporting of both current media and
Correct. The current implementation wasn't really done with DMPs in

     Since Rygel handles playlist logic internally in
     RygelPlayerController, it can lead to cases where next/prev controls
     don't work (if media playback was initiated via rygel, local UI does
     not know about media and vice versa).

     Without breaking ABI, this might be solvable by making
     RygelPlayerController public and enabling user to re-implement it,
     but it would be good to discuss this a bit more to have merge-able fix.
We can break ABI, we might even have to for the next stable, there's
some DLNA testcase fixes for the renderer that can't be done in a nice
way without breaking ABI. I already prepared a branch for that. But
making the controller public might make sense anyway.

The question is, what is better. Current RygelMediaPlayer is readily usable by simple players like gst playbin, offloading almost any of necessary logic to rygel code; I guess currently finds a lot of uses. It might be useful to have RygelPlayerInterface (or any better name, this might plug into RygelMediaDevice), which would work as a thin layer between upnp stack and some client plugged into rygel.

RygelPlayerController would need to be rewritten to implement RygelPlayerInterface, and to provide a way to plug RygelMediaPlayer into it (providing simplified interface for simple players).

     2) Error reporting

     Rygel's API is not designed to allow error reporting (error codes)
     from player to UPnP control point in first place; e.g. there is no
     way to report an error client when invoking play() while no media is
     set. Rygel's code currently does not handle these cases and there is
     no hint about whose responsibility is to return error code. If it is
     solely rygel's responsibility, we will gladly supply patches which
     fix this behavior, otherwise the API might need significant changes.
Hm, correct. The initial idea was that it would be Rygel's

In some cases (and maybe in more, when considering DMP), error reporting might be necessary. Currently, only presence of the resource on network (rygel is does not do any checking by itself) comes to my mind. This is problematic probably only within context of Play() and SetAVTransportUri(), maybe Seek(). Maybe some other parts of RygelMediaPlayer implementations may be also dependant on external state, though.

Currently, these two issues are main blockers for us and we are
interested in fixing them as soon as possible.If you have any
suggestions/comments to any of these issues, we would like to merge our
fixes to the upstream.
Appreciated :)

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