Artist name not visible for tracks


I'm running Rygel 14.0 via the tracker plugin. I have a music library of
mostly flac files on my computer. When I access the library with my
phone over dlna, I have certain problems. Mainly 1 problem and 2
questions actually:

1. When playing a music file, the artist name can not be retrieved from
the library. It is set to "Unknown artist". All other tags are okay

2. I think I have a problem with the hierarchical display of my library
through dlna. When I explore the library from phone, initially I have
"Music, Picture and Videos" Options. Under "music", I get "Albums,
Artists, Titles, Genre and All". Under "Artists" I get a complete list
of my artists in the library, but under each artist I get all the tracks
from that artist whereas I expected to get Albums and the tracks
populated under each album accordingly. Can this be done via rygel

3. A question: After I activated the tracker plugin, MediaExport plugin
seemed to get deactivated by itself. Is this normal?

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