assignment for each rygel thread

Dear Jens,

Do you have idea about :
how to figure out the mission of each rygel thread?
I can see multiple thread are running when in PLAYING state.
But I would like to know which part is take a lot of CPU time.
How to set the name for each thread?

Mem: 31184K used, 27200K free, 0K shrd, 3696K buff, 13916K cached
CPU: 76.8% usr  0.3% sys  0.0% nic 20.9% idle  0.0% io  0.0% irq  1.7% sirq
Load average: 1.15 1.00 0.63 2/26 1831
 1529   963 root     R    26608 45.4   0 56.1 rygel -g 5 -n br0
 1528   963 root     S    26608 45.4   0 20.3 rygel -g 5 -n br0
  957   956 root     S    26608 45.4   0  1.9 rygel -g 5 -n br0
 1527   963 root     S    26608 45.4   0  0.2 rygel -g 5 -n br0
 1530   963 root     S    26608 45.4   0  0.0 rygel -g 5 -n br0
  963   957 root     S    26608 45.4   0  0.0 rygel -g 5 -n br0

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