Problems and work needed for updated n900 packages of Rygel....


I've taken some time to write down in detail what work is needed
for updated n900 packages of Rygel, since atleast two persons have
asked for updates recently.

The two big issues:

* Since rygel 0.6 a newer Tracker version is required!
  Tracker is not a trivial piece of software to backport,
  but hopefully the MediaExport plugin should be able
  to work well on Maemo/n900 with suitable default configuration
  as a stand-in for Rygels Tracker plugin which means we can avoid Tracker.

* Both rygel and the new gupnp-dlna dependency requires newer
  versions of gstreamer!
  I don't have any plan on how to handle this. :(

Besides these major issues, here's a short description of work needed
for each dependency that's not available right now when a plan on how
to handle the gstreamer situation has been worked out...


Dependencies not available out of the box:

* libgee-dev (>= 0.5.2),
	- extras-devel has 0.5.0-2
	- needs update from debian unstable.

* libgupnp-1.0-dev (>= 0.13.4),
	- has 0.13.2
	- needs update from debian unstable.

* libgupnp-av-1.0-dev (>= 0.5.9),
	- has 0.5.2
	- needs update from debian unstable.

* libgupnp-dlna-1.0-dev (>= 0.3.0),
	- not available yet
	- base on debian package.

* libgstreamer0.10-dev (>= 0.10.28),
	- maemo has only 0.10.25 !!!
	- ???

Other changes needed:

* drop rygel-tracker package and ship a configuration with
  suitable media-export directories set in configuration.
  - rygel-tracker now needs tracker 0.8, not available on maemo and
    not a trivial port. media-export should work well.
* (drop other packages while at it:
   rygel-mediathek, rygel-gst-renderer,
   rygel-gst-launch, and maybe rygel-dbg?)


should not be very problematic to port from Debian. Just change "valac"
build dependency to "vala" as was done for the existing gee package
on maemo. Also upload to extras-devel.


drop all gir related things added in 0.13.3-*.

Rebase previous maemo modifications on top of new debian packages:
  * debian/rules:
    - Use configure flag --with-context-manager=unix instead of NM.
    - Don't try to install (non-existant) gupnp-binding-tool.1 extra manpage.
    - Don't run xsltproc since we don't have the docbook files.


Should be a pretty painless update from Debian....
just drop all gir related things added in 0.5.5-*.


Needs gstreamer update, maemo has only 0.10.25! :(
Besides gstreamer it should hopefully be pretty easy to use Debian package.
Unknown problems might appear since it has not been built on maemo before.

Dependencies not available out of the box:
               libgstreamer0.10-dev (>=,

(libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev (>= package
build-dependency could probably be lowered to 0.10.25!)



Help is as always welcome... Don't hesitate to contact me if you're interested!

Andreas Henriksson

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