Failed assertion in rygel_media_item_compare_by_date


I've been having fun playing with rygel on my new television the last few days. Definitely intrigued by the potential of the plugins.

One issue I have had with the latest git checkout (yesterday) is with AVI files from my wife's camera crashing rygel with the following line when browsing videos from the television:

ERROR:rygel-media-item.vala:319:rygel_media_item_compare_by_date: assertion failed: (g_time_val_from_iso8601 (self->date, &tv1))

It seems the date it is trying to format is 2009-08-02 and failing the assertion on conversion (although it looks like ISO8601 format), dates in the format 2009-10-11T10:17:55Z seem to be working fine. So it looks like its struggling as it does not have the time part of the string.

Where abouts are these times coming from? The modified time of the file or some kind of metadata within the video. I'm a bit stuck as to what the issue is.



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