Re: Started adding GObject signals to gnome-class

On Wed, 2017-08-23 at 10:06 -0500, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:
On Wed, 2017-08-23 at 09:44 +0300, Sebastian Dröge wrote:
This is good timing BTW, I was going to write a full example of
GObject subclasses with interfaces implementations, signals, action
signals, properties, virtual methods, gobject-introspection support
next week. Using the glib-rs infrastructure but otherwise manual.
Goal would be to have a baseline / template to what gnome-class
should be able to generate, to have it all written out and
so that also someone not knowing the implementation details of
GObject can start working on that.

See, I love it when this happens:

Federico: "hi, please help me make fire by rubbing sticks"

Sebastian: "here, have this high-tech oven instead"

Having this example of all the GObjects bells and whistles used from
Rust would be *VERY* helpful for the code generator!

You can find the oven here:

I'm not very happy with the code organization yet, any suggestions let
me know :) It's all feeling mashed together, the actual safe
implementations of the stuff are mixed with the boilerplate.

This thing includes so far:
- All compiled to a shared library that exports C API
- 2 GObjects. Bar inherits from Foo. src/{foo,bar} contains the
  code of each. is the gtk-rs style Rust wrapper, is the
  actual implementation, see below
- Constructors with a construct-only GObject property "name"
- Normal methods on all of them (get_name(), get_counter(),
  increment(), etc.)
- Virtual method "increment" on Foo, overridden by Bar, plus calling
- Signal "incremented" on Foo
- Normal "number" GObject property on Bar
- Makefile that builds all this, plus GObject-Introspection stuff
- Python and Javascript example that uses it (can be run from the
  Makefile so that the G-I things are found directly), and a Rust
  "unit" test that uses it all from Rust
- C header for the public API
- A "bindings" feature that would only compile the Rust bindings
  but not the actual implementation, and would have to be linked
  to the shared library (no idea how to properly do that with cargo,
  need to switch the crate type with the feature)
- Lots of FIXME comments for things that are ugly, missing API in
  the glib/gobject bindings, etc :)

Things to come:
- Some GObject interface
- Action signal
- Refcounted and copying boxed type

Let me know if that is all useful for you, if you have any
suggestions/comments, etc.

Once it's all done, I was also going to blog about it. I think once the
macro can generate all the boilerplate for these things, using GObject
from Rust would be a good way of generating/exporting an expressive C
API (that can do more things than plain C: inheritance, signals,
properties, etc.) and automatically get bindings for arbitrary

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