release notes

Hey all,

The release notes are in reasonable shape, but I really need a second
pair of eyes to go over them and tell me what important things I've left
out. I've not really edited it for style yet. It also needs reading for
style, spelling and grammar.

There are some missing sections, because I lacked words. Grep XMP for

A lot of screenshots are missing. Grep XML for SCREENSHOT.

Thoughts from wiki:
      * epiphany, cheese, vino, vinagnre, evolution, metacity, panel,
        baobab, screenshot, search and evince changes are all boring.
        Could perhaps have a "and much more..." section at the end. But
        they all seem like pretty mundane changes.
      * not convinced by new for Admins stuff
      * should probably add rest of New for Developers stuff. Could be
      * does the rest of the Mobile platform need more describing? A
        cool circle/layers diagram would be neat here, does someone want
        to draw one for me?

That's all I've got for now.

People should feel free to just commit to SVN, rather than having to run
things through me.


Davyd Madeley
08B0 341A 0B9B 08BB 2118  C060 2EDD BB4F 5191 6CDA

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