Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Viewing music in iphone

2011/5/14 John Frankish <j-frankish slb com>:
> I had assumed rhythmbox would find a mounted ipod/phone/ipad automatically, but this appears not to be the case.
> Using rhythmbox-0.13.3 and libgpod-0.8.0 and an iphone 3gs os4.3.2 mounted using ifuse at /media/ipod - in order to see or play the music in the iphone, I'm obliged to use:

You shouldn't try to mount it manually using ifuse, but just install
gvfs-afc and let it do its job. The iphone should get automounted in
nautilus when it's plugged in, and rhythmbox should be able to
autodetect it as well.


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