Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Banshee

Le samedi 29 janvier 2011 à 00:47 +0100, Manel de la Rosa a écrit :
> Hi,
> I've not found another email adress where put this, so forgive me.
> I only wanted to say that I find extremely unfair dumpin out Rhythmbox
> from Ubunt and replacing it for a big-bloated slow mono app like
> banshee, with no remarcable features over Rhythmbox.
> Please, keep the great work!!!!
> Ubuntu 11.XX = sudo apt-get remove banshee && apt-get install rhythmbox
> _______________________________________________
> rhythmbox-devel mailing list
> rhythmbox-devel gnome org

No problem with this. After port Rhythmbox to Gnome 3, we can add some
new features to Rhytmbox. I have somes ideas for this. ;)

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