[Rhythmbox-devel] howto: reload plugin without restarting rb + autocompletion for rb module


I just started out learning about making Rhythmbox Python plugins, but
I have two annoyances:

- Every time I change the code of my plugin a little, I have to
restart Rhythmbox for it to see and load my new code.
Enabling/disabling the plugin just reloads the code as it was when rb
launched. Is there a faster way to reload the new code of a plugin
without restarting rb?

- I can't seem to enable autocompletion for the "rb" module used for
Python plugins. I realize that the rb module doesn't really seem to
exist outside of Rhythmbox. Even though, is there a way to enable
autocompletion (in whatever IDE)? It would help a beginner to see all
the possibilities in the rb module.


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