Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Rhythmbox gnome 3 mockup

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 4:24 AM, Hillar Liiv <liivhillar gmail com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I have some made gnome 3 mockup for rhythmbox:
> I used elements from:
> Any suggestions? Is there any way to make rhythmbox look like this?

I looked at one of them briefly then wandered off to do something else
and now I get 503 errors for both of them. Maybe you could upload them
somewhere more reliable?

Anyway, from what I remember:
- the 'now playing' info and search box overlap the window controls,
which is not going to work. Combining things with the menu bar doesn't
seem like a great idea to me.
- the 'now playing' info is fine when you're playing something with a
short title, artist name and album name, but it'd be useless for
"Planet Billions of Light-Years Away" by "Acid Mothers Temple and the
Melting Paraiso UFO" from "Cometary Orbital Drive"
- the search box is disconnected from the track list, which is the
only thing it controls
- the play order controls are meaningless if you don't already know
what they are
- it appeared to be mostly a gtk+ theme mockup rather than an
application mockup. Rhythmbox doesn't have its own gtk+ theme and it's
not going to get one.
- where does track transfer status information go?
- where do additional actions like love/ban for go?

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