Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] now playing list

On Mon, 2009-07-06 at 00:31 +0300, Viesturs wrote:
> Is there a now playing list for rhythmbox? A virtual play list witch
> shows tracks that are going to be played and the actual playing track,
> tracks can be draped there and queued. After that it could be saved as
> physical play list.
> Thanks for reading this.
> Viesturs


	This sort of thing has been talked about a couple times before on this
list.  If you want somewhere to drop songs and have them enqueued then
the play queue is what you want.  If you want to make a new playlist
that will stick around, you can make a new playlist and addf things to
that.  So far, people haven't found a good reason to implement exactly
what you're talking about.

I hope that helps,

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