[Rhythmbox-devel] RB Mp3Tunes plugin

i'm writing a plugin to integrate Mp3Tunes in Rhythmbox ( http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=425140 ). I'm inspiring myself to the "magnatune plugin", but i'm encountering many problems:

1) Tracks are loaded always when the plugin is activated: how can i manage to let them load only when cliking on the Mp3Tunes source? And how can i create an "update" button?

2) While loading the tracks, RB freezes completely for some minutes...i've read that i must use asynchronous IO, but i don't know how..can someone explain me?

3) How can I integrate my plugin with last.fm? I would like to have the tracks played in the Mp3Tunes source scrobbled!

4) What format is "PROP_DATE" using? I can't manage to give it the right year

5) How can i create a simple configuration dialog where the user can specify his login informations?

Thank you very much,
Federico Benedetto

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