Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] UI tweeks with mock up

Replying to own post.

I have made 5 new mock ups.

They all have in common that the Source window is gone and replaced by
a combobox.

The Show/Hide Browser toggle button is now a check box.

The Shuffle and Repeat check boxes are now a combobox, so all 7 play styles can
be listed.

The buttons are centered and the Browser text is to the right of the checkbox.
This is the default for GTK.

Buttons are centered, but the Browser text is to the left. This is not the GTk
way, but now have all the buttons the text to the left.

The Play Mode button is removed and should be available from the menubar. Play
Mode in the menubar is not shown in the mock up.

No browser button as it could be available from View in the menubar. No Play
Mode as it could be available from the menubar. Not shown in the mock up.

The Browser text is to the left (not GTK style) and the buttons are not


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