[Rhythmbox-devel] What can I do to help ?

Greetings all

Firstly, I'd like to say that Rhythmbox is a fantastic application, with
a bright future. It works very nicely as it stands, is building a strong
userbase, and has plenty of potential features. Nice work to date
everyone !

I'm keen to get involved in the project, but I lack the experience in c
(or any other language) to make a significant coding contribution. I'm
happy to do testing, and I could write documentation or simply monitor
and file bug reports. I'm happy in a UNIX environment, and I've done a
little bit of perl and php, but only very basic c.

I've just built the CVS version of Rhythmbox (from gnome-cvs), 0.8.99
and the new features look really good. I'm not completely convinced that
I've built the best possible binary, because I'm getting dbus errors at
startup, (and it crashes unless I start it with the --no-update switch)

How can I best be of assistance ?

David de Hoog <dadehoog bigpond com>

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