Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Revisiting The "Jukebox" Mode Discussion

Am Samstag, den 08.01.2005, 21:33 -0500 schrieb Dan8827:
> This past May there was considerable discussion of how to implement an
> "on the fly" playlist - in other words, a way to queue up songs that
> would be played next.  Is anything still happening in that regard?

That's what I asked for some months ago, but didn't get a reply...
Good to hear that there are others also interested in this feature.

> (The irony of Rhythmbox is that it's great for
> letting me stumble onto some song that I had forgotten about, but I have
> no way to tell Rhythmbox to queue it up next without interrupting the
> song I'm already listening to...)

Same here, actually this is the only reason why xmms is still present on
my system. I often browse my music library in rb and drag the songs over
to the xmms playlist.

> Display is limited to titles only - since the
> user has dragged the songs there, only a minimum of information is
> needed to remind the user of what the song is.  (Although I suppose this
> could be a problem if I decide to build a playlist entirely of different
> versions of "Mack The Knife"...)

I think the Artist should be displayed as well. But here your proposal
to allow customisation of the displayed columns would be a great

> Songs within the Hopper can be reordered by dragging and dropping.
> The "Shuffle" and "Repeat" functions/buttons still apply when using the
> Hopper; songs could be played in random order, and playback could jump
> back to the top when the last song is played.
> Double clicking a song in the Hopper would immediately begin playback of
> that song.
> While Hopper is selected as the source, double clicking a song in the
> Library will move that song to the next spot in the Hopper list, and
> immediately begin playback of that song.
> The "Jump To Playing Song" function is present in the Hopper - it will
> jump the Library to the song playing from the Hopper.  Otherwise, when
> one song in the Hopper ends and another begins, the Library does NOT
> jump.  This allows uninterrupted browsing.

This is exactly how I would like to see this done.

Rhythmbox is already a great peace of software, and with these features
it would simply have everything I could wish.



Christian Becke <christianbecke web de>

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