[Rhythmbox-devel] Mystery solved Re:recognition of CD/DVD's w/ cover art

I think I finally got to the bottom of the mystery why plutohome's system is so dead-on accurate.  The recognition module is not part of the plutohome package itself--it's an unofficial/unsupported 3rd party add-on and pluto disavows any knowledge of it or who wrote it.  When you run a packet sniffer to see where it's going to get the cover art and data, low and behold, windowsmedia.  I guess uncle Bill wouldn't be too pleased, and that explains why nobody will fess up to developing that module, and nobody is including it in their distro.  But I do have to say it seems to be 100% accurate.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Forrest L Norvell" <ogd aoaioxxysz net>
To: rhythmbox-devel gnome org
Subject: Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] recognition of CD/DVD's w/ cover art
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 17:06:27 -0700

> On Thu, Aug 04, 2005 at 12:30:49AM +0100, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> > On Wed, 2005-08-03 at 14:41 -0700, Forrest L Norvell wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > proprietary data source. Does anyone know if you're violating any
> > > of their Terms of Service for using their data for our own
> > > applications?  I know that some shareware applications for the Mac
> > > (to add album art to iTunes) have dropped support for auto-finding
> > > images from Amazon over legal concerns.
> >
> > That was because the application wasn't generating enough sales,
> > compared to the traffic the key associated to it generated. This is
> > in the T&C for the API.
> OK. I found the license for Amazon Web Services
> (http://tinyurl.com/aopmh), but I quickly realized I don't have time
> to thoroughly read it. But thanks for clearing that up, as it's
> something that's been puzzling me for quite some time. Will Rhythmbox
> have to get a key to use against AWS?
> > > I would guess that what Plutohome is using is IMDB data, as they've
> > > got pretty clean and complete data and, like Amazon, a well-defined
> > > Web API for getting at it. I don't know what they use for CDs, but if
> >
> > IMDB can't do CDs
> Yes, that's what I meant by "I don't know what [plutohome] user for
> CDs". Sorry for not being clearer.
> > and is a subsidiary of Amazon (as the "an Amazon company" at the
> > bottom of every page will tell you). Ss far as I know, it doesn't
> > have an API either (I use screenscraping for my own movie page).
> That's more or less what I meant by the API: there's a straightforward
> way to map a movie name to a URL and query Amazon for it, and the
> results have a consistent structure. I guess it says something about
> me that I consider that a solid API, but I do.
> But anyway, my main point stands: in the absence of a truly reliable
> service providing cover images, it's very useful for any applications
> that automatically find cover art to allow the user to choose between
> the available alternatives.
> Forrest
> --
>         . . . the self-reflecting image of a narcotized mind . . .
> ozymandias G desiderata     ogd aoaioxxysz net     desperate, deathless
> (415)823-6356       http://www.pushby.com/forrest/       ::AOAIOXXYSZ::
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