Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Jukebox playlist

On Wed, 2004-05-19 at 16:54, Thomas Lunde wrote:

> Please count me down as someone to is 95% happy with iTunes and wants to
> switch to Linux full time.  Rb looks pretty darn good.  I've played with
> it off and on since .40something.  The speed improvements have helped
> greatly, and it is a really wonderful program, IMHO.

Thanks :)

> Please, please don't lose sight of the "fact" (?) that most folks who
> will come to GNOME will have the intuition that there is one application
> that should be able to handle their music playing needs.  Colin said:
> "Well I think having two totally separate music players for the two
> kinds of people kind of sucks."  (I think) he was talking about
> Playlist'ers vs. Random'ers, but the same sort of intuition applies to
> listening to music from my iPod vs. from a CD vs. from vs.
> from my hard drive.  I realize that this cuts against the UNIX
> philosophy of small, specialized tools.  But there is a lot in common in
> all of these listening scenarios:  select, play, pause, volume, upcoming
> choice, etc.

That's true.  I do think that if we're going to keep Sources, it makes
sense to include iPod, CD, and Radio.  

> I dug a bit in the archives, but could not find the answer:
> Colin -  why do you want to get rid of Sources?

Well two reasons.  The first reason is because I want more freedom to
experiment and think about what a UI would be like that could support
queuing well in addition to browsing.

The second reason should be obvious...

> I didn't realize that, in RB, I'd lose the Browser and the ability to
> sort by clicking on the column heads while looking at a playlist instead
> of my Library.  Ugh.  In iTunes, the rest of the app's functionality is
> the same whether you have selected the Library or a particular playlist
> as the Source.

The sorting is just a bug.  The browser - I guess I can kind of see an
argument for it in automatic playlists where you have a lot of data.  It
just seemed like interface complexity to me initially though.  Also it's
presently kind of hard to implement a browser for the playlists due to
internal Rhythmbox implementation details.

> Do y'all take feature requests via bugzilla?  ;-)

Yes...both requests are already there...

> As for a Jukebox (aka Party Shuffle) feature, I was all set to cheer on
> Gisli's prototype -- until I read Dan8827's proposal.  A four vertical
> pane approach:
> a.  Controls and status
> b.  Jukebox
> c.  Browser
> d.  Library
> is, again IMHO, ideal.  (b), (c), and even (d) can be optionally turned
> off to save screen real estate.  I have an old laptop with an 800x600
> display.  I'd be perfect for parties showing (a) and (b) most of the
> time and, when I want to add more music, either (c) or (d) to add songs
> to (b).

I think that most of the time you'd either be browsing your music to add
to the queue, or reordering/deleting things in the queue.  That's why I
think it makes sense to have the queue replace/hide the browser.

> Like Jorge, I started using Party Shuffle very heavily as soon as it was
> available -- it makes so much sense, even flawed as it is to add songs t
> -- and I'd really love to see such a feature added to RB.

Let's see if we can solve it without Sources.

> This echo's Seth's concern (and mine) that having the option of a very
> small window is HUGE.  Having a Rating widget would allow the user to
> continue rating songs while the Small Display is active.

This seems like a good candidate for a right-click menu item to me...

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