Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Jukebox playlist

Colin Waters wrote:

>On Sun, 2004-05-16 at 06:38, Jacob Emcken wrote:
>> Hi
>> I don't really use playlists because I like just to listen to all my 
>> music and let Rhythmbox shuffle through it.
>Yeah, I think that's a really common use case for Rhythmbox.  More
>common than I'd realized up until fairly recently.
>> I think it could be great to have some sort of jukebox playlist where 
>> you could drag songs to. 
>So I'd been thinking recently about supporting this.  Here's a start,
>just to get discussion going:
>I think the overall key idea is that I really like the browser
>interface, and we should focus a lot on that. 
>The proposal above leaves a lot out (including the search bar I just

So it appears that the "Next Song" area will drop down on a mouse click
and reveal a list of songs?  Or can one only queue up one "Next Song"
at a time?

Assuming the former, it might be difficult to delete or reorder the songs
in the list.  Also, the list isn't visible.

I'd propose something a little different.  Have a new type of Source 
called "Dynamic Playlist" or "DJ Mode" (or however we can describe
what were talking about).  Selecting that Source changes the UI -
it's similar to the "Library" mode, but now there is a new area,
which a display similar to the Library, which sits below the
Player Area and above the Browser.  (I'll call it the "Dynamic
Playlist" for now).  This area starts off blank.  You then drag
songs from the Library to the Dynamic Playlist.  Songs can be dragged
around the Dynamic Playlist to re-order them.  A right click context
menu allows deletion from the Playlist, as does the "Delete" key.

The horizontal borders between the "Dynamic Playlist", "Browser"
and "Library" are all adjustable.  (This might get crowded in smaller
windows; I run RB full screen at 1600x1200, which might be part of
the reason why this approach seems good to me....)

Selecting items in the Browser still filters the Library, but does
not affect the Playlist.  Other features might include a "Clear
Playlist" and "Save Current Playlist" buttons/menu items.  

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