Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Syncing the RhythmDB on every update

Yeah, it would also be a nice option if the frontend could be completely 
abstracted to allow to build against Qt or Win32 frontends.
Another nice option would be a complete abstraction of the UI so I could have 
a UI like Winamp for example (implemented by the given frontend of course).

What else could be abstracted, lemme think...
Ah yes, the RPC mechanism could be abstracted to allow not only Bonobo, but D-
BUS, COM or whatever is necessary to support AppleScript on OS X.
We certainly could abstract the playback behaviour more, too. Starting with 
the shuffle algorithms, going via fadeout/fadein to stuff like equalizers. And 
eevrything should certainly work on all media backends, be it GStreamer, Xine, 
arts, Quicktime, DirectX or a Winamp wrapper.


Quoting Michele Ravani <>:

> apologies if I am conpletely off-track but, wouldn't it be better to
> completely abstract the backend?
> Then it would be possible to make it a configurable option, thus also
> enabling the user to choose the synching strategy he best can live with.
> Already available backends could be used and nobody would be forced to
> install yet another library or package just for rhythmbox.
> The current one should be available as a default.
> Another advantage (moving on very thin ice here) would be that 
> different backends could be used within the application. For instance, a
> radio recording functionality could be configured to use an mp3 player
> as a backend independently of what the rest of the application uses.
> M
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