Hi, I finally merged my ipod branch back to the official rhythmbox repository, and now I'd need some testers to check if it works for other people than me ;) Currently, the only thing that this ipod support can do is display the files on the ipod and play them. I'd be interested in about any regressions or problems people encounter when ipod support is enabled. I'm less interested in "itunes does this with the ipod, implement it" comments for now. You can grab it either from arch in the rhythmbox-devel@gnome.org--2004/rhythmbox--main--0.7 branch, or from gnome cvs (though anonymous cvs servers may not be in sync yet). Here are the instructions included in README.iPod explaning how to enable ipod support in rhythmbox: * configure Rhythmbox with --enable-ipod * mount your ipod to /mnt/ipod (or create a /apps/qahog/mount_path gconf key containing the path where your iPod is mounted) * your iPod songs should appear in the iPod source from the sidebar Thanks to anyone who tests it, Christophe
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