[Rhythmbox-devel] Feature request: Library management dialog

To the Rhythmbox developers,

Right now there is no real management dialog for the library ... I don't have a clear overview of what directories are included in the library and I can't mass-remove files from the library.

It would be good to have a management dialog, where I can see:
- which folders' music files are included in the library
- whether those directories are included recursively or not (maybe)
- add/remove buttons for adding and removing music library entries having originated from those directories

And, if Rhythmbox does not do that already, it would be good to monitor not only the files which were in a directory at the time it was added, but check for new files in those directories too ...

See where I'm going? Rhythmbox should be more directory-oriented (which is more practicable for music libraries) instead of playlist/song/"atom"-oriented (good for single/selected-song-playing).

Ernst Rohlicek jun.
[ ernst rohlicek inode at ]

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