Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] status

On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 09:34, Colin Walters wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> So it's only been about a week since the rhythmdb branch was merged into
> the mainline, but things have been pretty rapidly falling into place on
> --mainline/CVS HEAD.
> * Legacy RBNode importer
> Most importantly, I've completed the legacy database importer.  This
> involved some pretty ugly code (especially for handling playlists), so a
> lot of testing for it would be good.

Seemed to work fine for me coming from cvs stuff.

> * Sorting
> In keeping with the whole don't-block-the-UI philosophy, I also totally
> rewrote sorting; now it is part of the query.  This means you get the
> same incremental display goodness when you sort in various ways.

This is very nice, but somewhat annoying in  a few cases.  All of these
are very simple fixes.  The biggest one I plan on looking at soon and
will probably make a simple patch for.  When clicking on an already
selected row in the genre, artist, or album selectors, all the gtk
treeviews affected go white and refresh, the problem is that this
happens even if the state isn't really changed... if you have a genre,
artist, and album selected and click on the album again, it refreshes. 
IMO we need to reduce the number of refreshes the user sees b/c its a
bit odd to see it all disappear for a moment.  This includes the column

> * Playlists
> Playlists have also landed as of last night.  They're now completely
> user-orderable.  The infrastructure for smart playlists is also mostly
> there; we just need a GUI to create the query, and some
> serialization/deserialization for queries to/from XML.

Very very very nice..... Has a few small bugs with expected behavior
though... doens't always place the drug file where the line was, but...
these seem to be simple things to fix... very very nice work Colin.

> * Major things as yet unimplemented/not working right:
> ** Refreshing the library on startup
> ** Status display
> ** New Internet Radio Station
> ** Entry deletion
> The status display is a fairly tricky problem, since we have a number of
> threads, and various things of differing priority can be happening at
> the same time.  Entry deletion is also not easy, although I spent a lot
> of time while designing RhythmDB trying to handle it, so I think it
> won't be too terrible.  The other two (library refreshing/new iradio
> station) should be easy.

We need to just set up a simple priority for all of our status cases...
filtering > adding to library > refreshing > .... are there any

> * Annoying but lesser bugs I haven't had time to track down yet:
> ** The Last played time seems to get set to the startup time
> ** On startup, entries are often displayed twice in the list
> ** The song length display seems to be about 3x what it should be

I haven't seen the song length problem. I'm using the xine backend
though, so it could be monkeymedia releated... latent bug the new db

> All of the above bugs shouldn't be too hard for someone looking to cut
> their teeth on the new code.
> In light of how fast --mainline is progressing, I'm considering just
> skipping 0.5.4 and going straight to 0.6.0.

I would have to definately agree here.  0.6.0 will be a big release if
we can get the new backend up and working.  Big performance boost + new
cool features + less bugs = awesome release :)

It seems efforts would only be wasted trying to put together a 0.5.4
release when there is still some work to be done on 0.6.0 and theres no
real outcry for a 0.5.4 release that I know of.

> So, opinions/comments/questions?

Its looking good, some small UI bugs here and there... horozontal
scroolbars in the genre, artist, album selectors instead of the previous
ellipsing is the biggest visible bug I think.

Seems like start up is nice and fast compared to before, of course this
could do with the lack of refreshing.

Do we want to reintroduced watched dirs at some point in the 0.6
series?  Is the fam/gnome-vfs bug still open that caused the problem
before?  This seems to be a feature that would benefit many, especially
those who use network shares for music and such.

Again, awesome work Colin.

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