Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] Rip/Encode for RhythmBox?

On Tue, 2003-11-25 at 11:23, Ross Burton wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-11-25 at 16:14, John Russell wrote:
> > check out soundjuicer integration.  It is a completely optionless
> > rip/encoder.  Personally I think the lack of options trend is getting a
> > little out of hand and is exemplified in this app.  You can't choose bit
> > rate, variable bit rate, nothing. 
> DUDE, its not finished.
> I'd welcome a patch to implement that, but be warned that I am *fussy*
> about the UI and basically have not yet come up with a good interface. 
> Anyway, there are several crasher bugs which are far more important in
> my opinion to fix.
> Ross

My utmost apologies.  I misinterpreted a young project for one that has
fallen into the abyss of complete inconfigurability that I have been
hearing so much about recently.   Sound-juicer does, in fact, look
really tight and I look forward to seeing how it evolves.  


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