Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] MPEG-4 metadata loading

On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 02:01, Douglas McMorris wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 22:15 +0000, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> > Heya,
> > 
> > Here we go, iTunes can encode them, we play them.
> Does this include Music Store stuff?? or is there some strange DRM that
> we would never touch in those AAC files?

I didn't write the MPEG4 stuff but I'm pretty sure that this has nothing
to do with the iStore.  That is a web application build around a web
browser in iTunes.  It is specifically designed NOT to work with
anything except iTunes.  I think its a mix between Mac not wanting
anyone else to play with their toys and a little of their obsession with
"the magic of the theater".  
	Also, the files that get downloaded from the iStore are m4p files, the
p for protected.  As far as I know, only iTunes and iPods can play these
files right now, and it is against the law to even attempt to circumvent
the security DRM stuff on these files.  
	The ones that can be played are the m4a files, which you get when you
rip songs off your own cd.  
	Both of these formats are aac, but one has DRM additives and


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