Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] problem with locale + id3 tags [please CC me inany responce]

On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 20:22, Sergey Akifyev wrote:


> I'm trying to make patch for this issue, but digging in your code is
> pretty difficult without docs. Can you suggest me some reading about how
> rhythmbox is designed internally?
> P.S. Please, don't tell me, that I should set my locale to
> ru_RU.WIN1251, nobody will do such a thing only because of music player
> :)

Hi Sergey,

Have a look at in
regards to your locale issue.

You can get some info on how rb is designed from the INTERNALS file in
CVS, which is mostly superseded by rhythmdb/DESIGN as far as the
database/song info data goes.

- James.

James Kahn <>

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