[Rhythmbox-devel] Include errors with cobra stuff

I run Debian testing with gstreamer 0.7 (works fine) and I try to
compile rhythmbox from arch ( rhythmbox--mainline--0.6--patch-259 ),
(the folder is called rhythmbox-0.5.88 )

I have the actual liborbit packages : 
	liborbit2-dev Version: 2.3.107-1
	liborbit-dev  Version: 0.5.16-1

The compiler is not able to find the definition of 
ORBit_skel_class_register and ORBIT_VEPV_OFFSET
hence a compile error. I tried to grep /usr/include
to find this two macros, but no results.

There is also a little conflict :

 /usr/include/orbit-2.0/orbit/orb-core/corba-defs.h	Ligne 6
#include <glib.h>

/home/jmfayard/compil/rhythmbox-0.5.88/corba/Rhythmbox.h  Ligne 8
#include <glib.h>

See the end of the attachment for more details.

Jean-Michel FAYARD
Hadiko - Koslterweg 28 - M606
76131 Karlsruhe- Deutschland
Tél: (dom 0049 721 5657917 ; port 0049 179 9499664)
./configure --prefix=$HOME/local
configure: Rhythmbox was configured with the following options:
configure: ** Tree database is enabled
configure: ** MP3 support is enabled
configure: ** Ogg Vorbis support is enabled
configure: ** FLAC support is enabled
configure:    MusicBrainz support is disabled
configure: ** gstreamer 0.7 backend is enabled (with workarounds)
configure: ** GtkTreeView workaround enabled
configure: End options

snapshot:  snapshot: snapshot
vorbis:  vorbisenc: Ogg Vorbis encoder
vorbis:  vorbisfile: Ogg Vorbis decoder
vorbis type:  application/ogg: .ogg
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
smoothwave:  smoothwave: Smooth waveform
textoverlay:  textoverlay: Text Overlay
mplex:  mplex: MPlex multiplexer
mad:  mad: mad mp3 decoder
png:  pngenc: PNG encoder
jpeg:  jpegenc: jpeg image encoder
jpeg:  jpegdec: jpeg image decoder
gnomevfssink:  gnomevfssink: GnomeVFS Sink
gnomevfssrc:  gnomevfssrc: GnomeVFS Source
gdkpixbuf:  gdkpixbufdec: GdkPixbuf image decoder
flac:  flacenc: FLAC encoder
flac:  flacdec: FLAC decoder
flac type:  audio/x-flac: .flac
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
ffmpeg:  ffenc_ac3: ac3
ffmpeg:  ffenc_mp2: mp2
ffmpeg:  ffenc_mpeg1video: mpeg1video
ffmpeg:  ffenc_h263: h263
ffmpeg:  ffenc_h263p: h263p
ffmpeg:  ffenc_rv10: rv10
ffmpeg:  ffenc_mpeg4: mpeg4
ffmpeg:  ffenc_msmpeg4v1: msmpeg4v1
ffmpeg:  ffenc_msmpeg4v2: msmpeg4v2
ffmpeg:  ffenc_msmpeg4: msmpeg4
ffmpeg:  ffenc_wmv1: wmv1
ffmpeg:  ffenc_wmv2: wmv2
ffmpeg:  ffenc_mjpeg: mjpeg
ffmpeg:  ffenc_huffyuv: huffyuv
ffmpeg:  ffenc_ffv1: ffv1
ffmpeg:  ffenc_pcm_s16le: pcm_s16le
ffmpeg:  ffenc_pcm_s16be: pcm_s16be
ffmpeg:  ffenc_pcm_u16le: pcm_u16le
ffmpeg:  ffenc_pcm_u16be: pcm_u16be
ffmpeg:  ffenc_pcm_s8: pcm_s8
ffmpeg:  ffenc_pcm_u8: pcm_u8
ffmpeg:  ffenc_pcm_mulaw: pcm_mulaw
ffmpeg:  ffdec_h263: h263
ffmpeg:  ffdec_mpeg4: mpeg4
ffmpeg:  ffdec_msmpeg4v1: msmpeg4v1
ffmpeg:  ffdec_msmpeg4v2: msmpeg4v2
ffmpeg:  ffdec_msmpeg4: msmpeg4
ffmpeg:  ffdec_wmv1: wmv1
ffmpeg:  ffdec_wmv2: wmv2
ffmpeg:  ffdec_h263i: h263i
ffmpeg:  ffdec_rv10: rv10
ffmpeg:  ffdec_svq1: svq1
ffmpeg:  ffdec_svq3: svq3
ffmpeg:  ffdec_wmav1: wmav1
ffmpeg:  ffdec_wmav2: wmav2
ffmpeg:  ffdec_indeo3: indeo3
ffmpeg:  ffdec_mpegvideo: mpegvideo
ffmpeg:  ffdec_dvvideo: dvvideo
ffmpeg:  ffdec_dvaudio: dvaudio
ffmpeg:  ffdec_mjpeg: mjpeg
ffmpeg:  ffdec_mjpegb: mjpegb
ffmpeg:  ffdec_mp2: mp2
ffmpeg:  ffdec_mp3: mp3
ffmpeg:  ffdec_mace3: mace3
ffmpeg:  ffdec_mace6: mace6
ffmpeg:  ffdec_huffyuv: huffyuv
ffmpeg:  ffdec_ffv1: ffv1
ffmpeg:  ffdec_h264: h264
ffmpeg:  ffdec_vp3: vp3
ffmpeg:  ffdec_4xm: 4xm
ffmpeg:  ffdec_pcm_s16le: pcm_s16le
ffmpeg:  ffdec_pcm_s16be: pcm_s16be
ffmpeg:  ffdec_pcm_u16le: pcm_u16le
ffmpeg:  ffdec_pcm_u16be: pcm_u16be
ffmpeg:  ffdec_pcm_s8: pcm_s8
ffmpeg:  ffdec_pcm_u8: pcm_u8
ffmpeg:  ffdec_pcm_mulaw: pcm_mulaw
gstaf:  afsink: Audiofile Sink
gstaf:  afsrc: Audiofile Src
gstaf:  afparse: Audiofile Parse
alsa:  alsasrc: Alsa Src
alsa:  alsasink: Alsa Sink
cdplayer:  cdplayer: CD Player
vcdsrc:  vcdsrc: VCD Source
qcamsrc:  qcamsrc: QCam Source
modplug type:  audio/x-mod: .mod .sam .med .stm .mtm .669 .ult .far .amf .dsm .imf .gdm .stx .okt .xm .it .s3m
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
modplug:  modplug: ModPlug
y4menc:  y4menc: Y4mEncode
wavenc:  wavenc: WAV encoder
volume:  volume: Volume
volenv:  volenv: Volume Envelope
videotestsrc:  videotestsrc: Video test source
videoscale:  videoscale: Video scaler
videoflip:  videoflip: Video scaler
videodrop:  videodrop: Video frame dropper
videocrop:  videocrop: video crop filter
vbidec:  vbidec: VBI decoder
udp:  udpsink: UDP packet sender
udp:  udpsrc: UDP packet receiver
tcp:  tcpsink: TCP packet sender
tcp:  tcpsrc: TCP packet receiver
synaesthesia:  synaesthesia: Synaesthesia
stereo:  stereo: Stereo effect
speed:  speed: Speed
spectrum:  spectrum: Spectrum analyzer
smpte:  smpte: SMPTE transitions
smooth:  smooth: Smooth effect
sinesrc:  sinesrc: Sine-wave src
silence:  silence: silence source
rtjpeg:  rtjpegenc: RTjpeg encoder
rtjpeg:  rtjpegdec: RTjpeg decoder
rtp:  rtpL16enc: RTP RAW Audio Encoder
rtp:  rtpL16parse: RTP packet parser
rtp:  rtpgsmenc: RTP GSM Audio Encoder
rtp:  rtpgsmparse: RTP packet parser
rmdemux type:  video/x-pn-realvideo: .ram .rm .ra
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
rmdemux:  rmdemux: QuickTime Demuxer
qtdemux type:  video/quicktime: .mov
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
qtdemux:  qtdemux: QuickTime Demuxer
playondemand:  playondemand: Play On Demand
passthrough:  passthrough: Passthrough
overlay:  overlay: Video Overlay
oneton:  oneton: N Channel splitter
monoscope:  monoscope: Monoscope
mpeg2types type:  video/mpeg: .mpg .mpeg .mpe
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
mpegstream:  mpegparse: MPEG System Parser
mpegstream:  mpegdemux: MPEG Demuxer
mpegstream:  rfc2250enc: RFC 2250 packet encoder
mp3parse:  mp3parse: MPEG1 Audio Parser
mp3parse type:  audio/mpeg: .mp3 .mp2 .mp1 .mpga
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
mpegaudio:  mpegaudio: mpegaudio mp3 encoder
mpeg2subt:  mpeg2subt: MPEG2 subtitle Decoder
mp1videoparse:  mp1videoparse: MPEG 1 Video Parser
mixmatrix:  mixmatrix: Mixing Matrix
median:  median: Median effect
level:  level: Level
mulaw:  mulawenc: PCM to Mu Law conversion
mulaw:  mulawdec: Mu Law to PCM conversion
alaw:  alawenc: PCM to A Law conversion
alaw:  alawdec: A Law to PCM conversion
intfloatconvert:  int2float: Integer to Float effect
intfloatconvert:  float2int: Float to Integer effect
id3types:  id3types: ID3v1/v2 tag parser
id3types type:  audio/x-id3: .mp3 .mp2 .mp1 .mpga .ogg .flac
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
goom:  goom: GOOM: what a GOOM!
flxdec:  flxdec: FLX Decoder
flxdec type:  video/fli: .flc .fli
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
filter:  iir: IIR
filter:  lpwsinc: LPWSinc
filter:  bpwsinc: BPWSinc
festival:  festival: Festival synthesizer
festival type:  text/plain: .txt
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
effectv:  edgeTV: EdgeTV
effectv:  agingTV: AgingTV
effectv:  diceTV: DiceTV
effectv:  warpTV: WarpTV
effectv:  shagadelicTV: ShagadelicTV
effectv:  vertigoTV: VertigoTV
effectv:  revTV: RevTV
effectv:  quarkTV: QuarkTV
deinterlace:  deinterlace: Deinterlace
efence:  efence: Electric Fence
chart:  chart: chart drawer
cdxaparse type:  video/x-cdxa: .dat
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
cdxaparse:  cdxaparse: .dat parser
gstaudioconvert:  audioconvert: Audio Conversion
asfmux:  asfmux: Asf multiplexer
asfdemux type:  video/x-ms-asf: .asf .wma .wmv .wm
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
asfdemux:  asfdemux: ASF Demuxer
auparse:  auparse: .au parser
auparse type:  audio/x-au: .au
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
adder:  adder: Adder
ac3parse:  ac3parse: AC3 Parser
gstindexers:  memindex: A index that stores entries in memory
gstindexers:  fileindex: A index that stores entries in file
gsttypes type:  audio/raw: .raw
gsttypes type:  video/raw: .raw
gstoptgthreadscheduler:  optgthread: An optimal scheduler using gthread cothreads
gstoptomegascheduler:  optomega: An optimal scheduler using omega cothreads
gstoptscheduler:  opt: An optimal scheduler using no cothreads
gstbasicgthreadscheduler:  basicgthread: A basic scheduler using gthread cothreads
gstbasicomegascheduler:  basicomega: A basic scheduler using omega cothreads
gstelements:  fakesrc: Fake Source
gstelements:  fakesink: Fake Sink
gstelements:  filesrc: File Source
gstelements:  filesink: File Sink
gstelements:  identity: Identity
gstelements:  fdsink: Filedescriptor Sink
gstelements:  fdsrc: Disk Source
gstelements:  multidisksrc: Multi Disk Source
gstelements:  pipefilter: Pipefilter
gstelements:  tee: Tee pipe fitting
gstelements:  aggregator: Aggregator pipe fitting
gstelements:  shaper: Shaper
gstelements:  statistics: Statistics
gstelements:  md5sink: MD5 Sink
gstspider:  spider: Spider
gstspider:  spideridentity: SpiderIdentity
autoplugger:  autoplugger: Dynamic autoplugger
autoplugcache:  autoplugcache: AutoplugCache
gststaticautoplugrender:  staticrender: A static autoplugger, it constructs the complete element before running it
gststaticautoplug:  static: A static autoplugger, it constructs the complete element before running it
timeoverlay:  timeoverlay: Video Filter Template
esdsink:  esdsink: Esound audio sink
esdsink:  esdmon: Esound audio monitor
xvideosink:  xvideosink: Video sink
video4linux:  v4lelement: Generic video4linux Element
video4linux:  v4lsrc: Video (video4linux/raw) Source
video4linux:  v4lmjpegsrc: Video (video4linux/MJPEG) Source
video4linux:  v4lmjpegsink: Video (video4linux/MJPEG) sink
ossaudio:  osselement: Audio Element (OSS)
ossaudio:  osssrc: Audio Source (OSS)
ossaudio:  osssink: Audio Sink (OSS)
ossaudio:  ossgst: Audio Wrapper (OSS)
wavparse:  wavparse: .wav parser
wavparse type:  audio/x-wav: .wav
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
videobalance:  videobalance: Video Balance control
mpeg2enc:  mpeg2enc: mpeg1 and mpeg2 video encoder
system_encode:  system_encode: MPEG1 Multiplexer
cutter:  cutter: Cutter
avidemux type:  video/avi: .avi
      Has typefind function: gst_type_type_find_dummy
avidemux:  avidemux: Avi demuxer
avimux:  avimux: Avi multiplexer
audioscale:  audioscale: Audio scaler
gst_core_plugins:  typefind: TypeFind
gst_core_plugins:  queue: Queue
gst_core_plugins:  thread: Threaded container
gst_core_plugins:  pipeline: Pipeline object
gst_core_plugins:  bin: Generic bin

|| from /usr/include/orbit-2.0/orbit/orbit-types.h:6,
|| from Rhythmbox.h:9,
|| from Rhythmbox-skels.c:7:
/usr/include/orbit-2.0/orbit/orb-core/corba-defs.h|8| 1: warning: "ORBIT_IDL_SERIAL" redefined
|| In file included from Rhythmbox-skels.c:7:
/home/jmfayard/compil/rhythmbox-0.5.88/corba/Rhythmbox.h|8| 1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition
|| Rhythmbox-skels.c: In function `POA_GNOME_Rhythmbox__init':
/home/jmfayard/compil/rhythmbox-0.5.88/corba/Rhythmbox-skels.c|214| warning: implicit declaration of function `ORBit_skel_class_register'
/home/jmfayard/compil/rhythmbox-0.5.88/corba/Rhythmbox-skels.c|216| warning: implicit declaration of function `ORBIT_VEPV_OFFSET'
/home/jmfayard/compil/rhythmbox-0.5.88/corba/Rhythmbox-skels.c|216| error: parse error before "POA_GNOME_Rhythmbox__vepv"
|| make[3]: *** [Rhythmbox-skels.lo] Erreur 1
|| make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/jmfayard/compil/rhythmbox-0.5.88/corba'
|| make[2]: *** [all] Erreur 2
|| make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/jmfayard/compil/rhythmbox-0.5.88/corba'
|| make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Erreur 1
|| make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jmfayard/compil/rhythmbox-0.5.88'
|| make: *** [all] Erreur 2

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