Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] This must be getting tired interface proposal

Halló, góðan daginn!

On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 20:01, Olafur Arason wrote:
> Just a thought on the design of RB:
> *	Have a mood selection instead of a playlist. You could select a 	 
> Party mood or a chill out mood.
> *	Moods would derive from sources or other moods. Sources would 		 
> include All, AudioCD, internet radio or a folder.
> *	You can select to include or exclude something from a mood.
> *	Moods would have selectable sorting orders. Like if you select a 	song 
> it gets half way (or a quarter of a way) closer to the top. 	And if you 
> skip a song it gets sent back by a fixed amount.
> *	Then you can run queries to find a song.

I think we still need groups or playlists of some sort, to give people
some more control - my idea was to have a 'new smart playlist' or
something feature that would allow you to give you a, say, playlist with
Icelandic rock songs with a high rating you have not listened to a
while. Or random party music, or all the music you listened to on your
birthday. Another thing we should think about is using gjay-like 'music
colors', and smart mixing. I think this may work better than your
proposal, but I'm not sure. Comments welcome. :)

> PS. Jorn mér finnst það mjög skemmtilegt að sjá íslenskan lagalista í 
> tónlistarforriti og síðan komast að því að þú sért að reyna að læra 
> íslensku og forn íslensku.

Heh. :) Me wants Icelandic gnome translations ;))


> Olafur Arason.
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