Re: [Rhythmbox-devel] (net) rhythmbox development

I'm going to reply to this point by point tomo, but for the moment
I shall point you here

On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 17:11, Dave Rigby wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I've recently finished a huge third year project, and so now have some 
> time on my hands, which I thought I might help out on rhythmbox. However 
> looking at the mailing lists, Changelogs etc I've found there's been a 
> fork, with net-rhythmbox being the only one I can get to actually work 
> to any extent from cvs HEAD. I've got a few big things I'd like to do 
> work on (portable mp3 player integration being the main one) but first 
> I'd like to fix some small bugs, and add minor things, to get a feel for 
> the project.
> Now the main reason I'm emailing you is to tru and get soem idea about 
> the direction that rhythmbox and net-rhythmbox are going.
> Where does monkey-media fit in? - as an example I've found that the 
> snapshot of monkey-media in netrb CVS doesn't get the information on a 
> variable bit-rate mp3 right - now I could submit a patch to fix this, 
> but does it go to monkey-media CVS, or is that 'dead' like the main 
> rhythmbox branch?
> Is rhythmbox main 'dead', or is it just resting?
> Basically I'd really like to get involved in the general rhythmbox 
> development, but I'd like to have I idea of whee all these different 
> parts (monkey-media, rhythmbox and net-rhythmbox) all fit in, and what 
> (if any) the general direction is....
> Regards
> Dave Rigby
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		 .--= [ MArk Finlay - sisob ] =--.

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