Re: Freeze break request for polari

I got a private +1 from Michael.

On Sat, Mar 7, 2020 at 20:20, Florian Müllner <fmuellner gnome org> wrote:
Hey again!

I would like to include in 3.36.0.

The reason is that WebKit as shipped in the gnome-nightly runtime will fail if hardware acceleration isn't available, and the app hasn't explicitly disabled it.

That means that URL previews are no longer working in the nightly flatpak, and that's not what I'd like to ship in 3.36.0(*).

(I regret not pushing that MR earlier now, but as it didn't get rid of the "libEGL warning: wayland-egl: could not open /dev/dri/card0" warning, I assumed it had now effect)

Thanks, and enjoy the rest of your weekend

(*) to be fair though, there is a plan B: Release 3.36.0 as-is and include the patch in question in the flatpak. It's just more cumbersome than having it in the release :-)

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