Enjoy a fresh perspective on everyday objects with this HD wireless digital microscope.
Jupiter has 53 named moons and another 26 awaiting official names. Combined, scientists now think Jupiter has 79 moons.
Capture high-reslution images and videos of the microscopic world at 1000x magnification with this wireless microscope. It pairs effortlessly with all your devices via WiFi or USB cable.
Great for kids interested in STEM, students, or collectors, this device is useful for examining plants, coins, jewelry, electronics, stamps, and more.
During Microstructure Analysis of metals and alloys, a Microscopic Examination is conducted to study the microstructural features of the material under magnification. The properties of a material determine how well it will perform under
a given application, and these properties are dependent on the structure of the material.
Analyses Performed:
Grain size (ASTM E112)
Extent of Carburization & Decarburization
Intergranular Attack & Oxidation
Alpha Case/Surface Contamination
Percent Spheroidization
Inclusion Rating (ASTM E45)
Plating Thickness
Case Depth
Carbide Precipitation
Ferrite by Point Count (ASTM E562)
Nodularity, Nodule Count
Eutectic Melting
Volume fraction of various phases or second phase particles in metals
There are many interesting moons orbiting the planet, but the ones of most scientific interest are the first four moons discovered beyond Earththe Galilean satellites.