Re: Freeze break request for atk MR!14

Including Samuel and Joanmarie on the CC, as probably they are interested too on this change.
On 10/3/19 19:27, mcatanzaro gnome org wrote:
On Sat, Mar 9, 2019 at 8:32 AM, apinheiro <apinheiro igalia com> wrote:
So although technically this is an API change, I think that it is
      really small, and the effect would be small, and I would like to
      include this on release .32.0
Hm, did GTK get fixed too? It looks like the answer is no? (I don't 
see any recent commits, nor even a merge request.)

Good point, I didn't check it. As the thread mentioned that LibreOffice was already returning -1, I assumed that GTK too. I just skimmed GTK implementation, and it relies on the internal GtkEditable, and return 0 in some error case (like the original widget not being available anymore for such accessible object).
So being conservative, I withdraw this proposal, and lets try to fix it 
on the next cycle.

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