Re: Yelp Release

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 5:59 PM, Shaun McCance <shaunm gnome org> wrote:
I tried to go through BuildStream to make a Yelp release, but I just
couldn't get all the way through a build. Could somebody roll a release
for me please? It's pretty easy to build, as long as you have WebKit
sufficiently current, which I don't.



I'm looking into yelp now. The workflow I'll follow is:

$ cd gnome-build-meta
$ git pull
$ bst build --track-all --track-save core/yelp.bst
$ bst workspace open core/yelp.bst ~/Projects/yelp
$ bst shell --build core/yelp.bst

And then build and release as normal once inside the shell.

Since I've pulled the latest version of gnome-build-meta, 'bst build --track-all --track-save core/yelp.bst' should successfully build everything. If something doesn't build, I'll either fix it somehow or report a bug at

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