Re: Allow gnome-build-meta notifications from gitlab-issues@ ?

On Sun, Jun 3, 2018 at 11:14 AM, Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net> wrote:
Shall we allow them by default or will this be too much noise?

The goal is to use release-team@ to assess whether it will be too much noise for desktop-devel@. I would allow them for release-team@, for sure, because the entire release team should know when the build is broken. After a few weeks, we can discuss whether we should send them to desktop-devel@ instead. And if we think it's too much noise even for release-team@ (which it shouldn't be), we can always turn them off.

I got the idea from Didier's Foundation board candidacy announcement:

"I think ensuring that breaking the general build is something that is immediately seen by the whole community as a read flag [...] is the next major step in that direction."


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