Re: Buildstream documentation feedback

On Fri, 2018-01-26 at 16:16 +0000, Allan Day wrote:
Hi all,

Today was my first experience using Buildstream, which I did by following the guide on the GNOME wiki. I 
got blocked by an issue, but I wanted to provide some notes on my experience using the documentation (see 

I'm coming at this from the perspective of someone who regularly builds GNOME components, but who isn't a 
developer. I'm used to the old JHBuild tutorial, which offered a clear set of steps that I found easy to 

If I manage to progress further, I'll share more feedback.

Thanks for the detailed feedback Allan !

I've made changes to both the wiki and the BuildStream user manual
installing section, and think I have addressed all of your points
mentioned in this email.

Don't hesitate to continue to let us know when things are hard to
follow :)


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