Extra release team meeting?


I'd like to propose holding an extra release team meeting soon. Normally the one we do once per year at GUADEC is sufficient, but as we're currently in the middle of a big transition from JHBuild to BuildStream, I think it'd be helpful to review how well this is going. There are some ongoing hiccups, and Emmanuele has raised some legitimate concerns about our previously-agreed strategy.

Since we now have release team members on three different continents, finding a time that works well for everyone is not possible, so please be flexible. Any time that can work decently for all of us will be quite early for America, and quite late for Korea [1]. I've set up a time poll for us at [2] with a few time options that I hope everybody can live with. Please use the timezone chooser to avoid timezone errors. Note the first time option is 5 AM for me, and the last one is midnight for Tristan, so be nice and respond with green whenever you can so that we don't have to use one of those time slots.

My suggestion would be to use Jitsi Meet [3], since it's the only open source RTC tool I'm aware of that seems to work somewhat reliably. I strongly recommend installing Chromium for this; unfortunately, it's not as reliable in Firefox, and won't work at all in Epiphany. Alternatively, we could just do an IRC meeting.

Does this sound good?


[1] https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?iso=20180221&p1=605&p2=136&p3=235
[2] https://xoyondo.com/dp/X2YxR9ZvBf2wra8
[3] https://meet.jit.si/

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