gnome-build-meta | Pipeline #27030 has failed for abderrahim/flatpak-sdk | 65a3e5d1 in !30

Title: gnome-build-meta | Pipeline #27030 has failed for abderrahim/flatpak-sdk | 65a3e5d1 in !30
Gnome logo
✖ Your pipeline has failed.
Project GNOME / gnome-build-meta
65a3e5d1 in !30
.gitlab-ci.yml: build flatpak runtimes
Commit Author
Abderrahim Kitouni
Committed by
Javier Jardón Cabezas
Pipeline #27030 triggered by Javier Jardón Cabezas
had 4 failed builds.
Logs may contain sensitive data. Please consider before forwarding this email.
✖ build
[--:--:--][8637836a][ push:flatpak/platform-locale.bst   ] START   gnome/flatpak-platform-locale/8637836a-push.33342.log
[--:--:--][8637836a][ push:flatpak/platform-locale.bst ] START Pushing artifact 8637836a
[--:--:--][8637836a][ push:flatpak/platform-locale.bst ] INFO Pushing 8637836a ->
[00:00:11][8637836a][ push:flatpak/platform-locale.bst ] WARNING Pushing artifact 8637836a
[00:00:11][8637836a][ push:flatpak/platform-locale.bst ] WARNING Try #2 failed, retrying
[--:--:--][8637836a][ push:flatpak/platform-locale.bst ] START gnome/flatpak-platform-locale/8637836a-push.33416.log
[--:--:--][8637836a][ push:flatpak/platform-locale.bst ] START Pushing artifact 8637836a
[--:--:--][8637836a][ push:flatpak/platform-locale.bst ] INFO Pushing 8637836a ->
ERROR: Job failed: execution took longer than 20h0m0s seconds
✖ build
  Build Queue: processed 194, skipped 295, failed 0 
Push Queue: processed 187, skipped 301, failed 1

Uploading artifacts...
logs: found 2420 matching files
project.refs: found 1 matching files
Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok id=91788 responseStatus=201 Created token=uCsdRgzu
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
✖ build
    /usr/bin/gdbus: sdk/glib.bst is not permitted to overlap other elements, order sdk/glib.bst above base/glib.bst 
/usr/bin/gdbus-codegen: sdk/glib.bst is not permitted to overlap other elements, order sdk/glib.bst above base/glib.bst
/usr/bin/gio: sdk/glib.bst is not permitted to overlap other elements, order sdk/glib.bst above base/glib.bst
/usr/bin/gio-querymodules: sdk/glib.bst is not permitted to overlap other elements, order sdk/glib.bst above base/glib.bst
/usr/bin/glib-compile-resources: sdk/glib.bst is not permitted to overlap other elements, order sdk/glib.bst above base/glib.bst
/usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas: sdk/glib.bst is not permitted to overlap other elements, order sdk/glib.bst above base/glib.bst
/usr/bin/glib-genmarshal: sdk/glib.bst is not permitted to overlap other elements, order sdk/glib.bst above base/glib.bst
/usr/bin/glib-gettextize: sdk/glib.bst is not permitted to overlap other elements, order sdk/glib.bst above base/glib.bst
/usr/bin/glib-mkenums: sdk/glib.bst is not permitted to overlap other elements, order sdk
Job's log exceeded limit of 4194304 bytes.
✖ build
    --libdir=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu \
--libexecdir=/usr/libexec \
--localstatedir=/usr/var \
--sharedstatedir=/usr/com \
--mandir=/usr/share/man \
--infodir=/usr/share/info --disable-static --disable-Werror --disable-jpg-shared --disable-png-shared --disable-tif-shared --disable-webp-shared

[00:00:04][3623f32e][build:sdk/sdl2-image.bst ] SUCCESS Running configure-commands
[--:--:--][3623f32e][build:sdk/sdl2-image.bst ] START Running build-command
Job's log exceeded limit of 4194304 bytes.

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