3.26 retrospective

Hi all,

I personally found 3.26 to be a difficult release and thought that it might be useful to share some of my experiences, along with some thoughts on how to improve things for next time around. The issues I encountered:
  1. We had two big features that landed very close to UI freeze, both of which required design iteration. This put a lot of stress on me personally and meant that other design reviews that I had planned never happened (sorry Builder).
    • It's worth noting that if it wasn't for these features, the release notes would have been very sparse indeed - from that perspective I'm happy that they did land.
  2. A design change that we had landed early in the cycle, with the intention of polishing it later, failed to resolve itself. As the issue rolled on it was often unclear what the plan was and what the deadline was for rolling back the change that had been made earlier in the cycle.
  3. The release notes were seriously delayed due to 1 and there was uncertainty about screenshots because of 2. There were also various issues building the release, which made the process of taking screenshots painful and time consuming.

I'm sure that some of these issues are down to individuals. However, it does seem interesting to think about their wider causes, with a view to improving the release process. In my mind there are a number of these wider issues, including:

Below are some ideas for things we could possibly do to improve the situation. I'm sure that some of these aren't good and that you all will have better ones!

Thoughts? Opinions? I'd be happy to invest some time in this.


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